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Marriage Hassles

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Marriage Hassles

In more recent times, the struggle to get married is fierce and hot. People clamour to have a prestigious wedding and post PDA pictures with their spouses. Children no longer allow their parents mount pressure on them to get married, they pressure themselves, by themselves. An ironical sight right? Parents sit and watch their children pressurize themselves into getting married and for a fact; with unrealistic reasons.

Most people have reasons that one might consider ridiculous. Some marry for Sex, others marry for procreation, others marry to fulfil a life long dream, for some, it’s even a great achievement! And one of the most amazingly insane reason is ; for Public Display Of Affection!

These days we have forgotten the marriage is more than these mere reasons. Marriage goes and extends deeper than these things we see… I refuse to blame this faults entirely on social media, and this is because life outside social media is real and no matter how hard we try to make it look like we believe in all what’s happening on social media, I believe we all know that not everything on social media is real. One reason we fall into the “Social media ” trap is that it presents to us our fantasies and wild imaginations…

Away from social media…

Marriage as I stated earlier is way more and deeper than most of the almost ridiculous reasons most people give.

Marriage has a purpose and that purpose is not just for procreation( that’s what sex is for) or for PDA (which is only beautiful when genuine). Marriage as an institution brings two people together to become 1 under God in order to bring glory and honor to his name. And this is achieved when the wife helps the husband in the work/job God has given to him. The Woman was created to help the man as his life journey unfurls and hence should be aligned to the Man’s (Husband’s) own purpose as well…

I’m no marriage expert, but I say this for real, if we will search deep and uncover these truths, we will see that marriage isn’t just a ceremonious activity, but a purposeful institution bounded within the confines of Purpose in God!

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