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How To Live A Happy Life: Things To Do To Achieve A More Fulfilling Life

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Living a happier and more fulfilled life is everyone’s dream, but the way we go about it hasn’t really made it easy for us to be truly happy. a lot of us attach our happiness to material things. there’s a lot of  “IFs” going on in our lives. “If only I had a car, then I’d be happy, I’ll be cruising around” but what happens when that expectation isn’t met, we then become miserable and start thinking and from there, depression sets in.

Our happiness shouldn’t be attach to anything. Happiness comes from within the heart, it comes with being contented with what we have. It’s ok to dream big, don’t get me wrong, but don’t lose your soul and your mental health at the expense of it. The moment we realize that we are beginning to lose ourselves, that’s a hint for us to take a step back, take deep breathe and step away from it. 

What are the keys to living a happy life that leads to fulfillment?

  • Positive emotions like joy, excitement, humor, playfulness, gratitude, love, etcetera.,  do good things for our brains and bodies. They help to lower stress hormones, ease anxiety and depression and improve our immune system especially when we do the things we love everyday.

They help to lower stress hormones, ease anxiety and depression and improve our immune system. They give us a feeling of optimism and anticipation, a sense of approval of oneself and pleasure in an achievement, skill, or personal attribute. It also gives us a feeling of lighthearted pleasure and enjoyment, often accompanied by smiles and easy laughter.

  • Strengths and interest. our strength include our skills, our qualities, the things we are interested in, could be reading a book, cooking, playing an instrument, being kind, helping people. We all have strengths, if we haven’t discovered it yet, now might be a good time to do so.

Happiness increases when we discover a strength and practice it. The more we practice a strength, the better we get until we really master it. When we get really good at doing something we enjoy, we can get lost in it. That’s called flow. Experiencing flow helps boost happiness.

  • Have good relationships. The people in our lives matter a lot. Keeping good relationship with people is one the best ways to enjoy happiness, health and well being. We can keep good relationships by doing the following:
  1. Having open and honest communication: people feel at ease when they find out they have someone they can communicate with easily without anyone judging them. When we are there for the people in our lives, and when they’re there for us, we find out that we are more resilient, resourceful, and successful.
  2. Respect and appreciate them. People feel loved when they are appreciated. it gives them a sense of belonging.
  3. Accept support and also serve as a support for them. As much as they are a shoulder for you to cry on, be a cushion for them to rest on.
  • Achievements. Setting a goal and achieving same gives us something to put our energy into. when we set realistic goals and we began to crush it, it lets us see how we make a difference in our life. When our lives are rich with positive emotions, great relationships and strengths to practice, it means we are ready to accomplish things.

We need to put effort into things that matter to us. we should do your best at whatever we can, without a need to be perfect. If things doesn’t work out at first, we keep an optimistic mindset and we try again.

In conclusion, living a happy life requires no magician trick, we just need to be able to manage our mindset, calm our body, be more confident in ourselves, focus on our strengths, do the things we love, build our self-esteem, make good memories with the people around us, we need to slow down and pay attention to ourselves and our health. Don’t forget that happiness is free. It comes at no cost.

Have you ever been in a state of dejectedness? Have you ever felt the need to race against time because you need to succeed? What did you do in that state, how did you overcome it? Please feel free to share your experience with us, let’s learn and growing together.

Thank you for reading. Xoxoxo





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