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Overcoming challenges in Marriage.

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Marriages at one point or the other go through periods when they face challenges. If you desire a healthy and growing marriage ability to face a challenging situation and not give up will go a long way in achieving the desired results. The moment you give up when you encounter challenges in your marriage, things may fall apart beyond repair. Solving marital challenges will make you grow a healthy marriage that can stand the test of time.

The following tips in no particular order will help you in overcoming challenges in your marriage when they arise.

1. Communication: In marriage, communication is one of the things that helps in growing a lasting marriage. Keep communication lines open and do not stop communicating with your spouse. Discuss the issues that you are having and with the help of the Holy Spirit come up with solutions. If you leave issues in your marriage unattended to, itw degenerate into something more serious much later.

2. Make decisions and arrive at conclusions together: To face and overcome challenges in your marriage, you need to approach issues together and arrive at the best solution as a couple. One partner cannot make decisions and arrive at conclusions for both parties. There is a need to sit down as married couples when making decisions so as to avoid conflict. When you make decisions together you will both be at ease knowing fully well that you’ve both put each other’s feelings first. Do not insist on what you want or getting things done in your own way. Make sure you keep this in mind and always encourage your partner to say their opinion.

3. Understand that you are not in a competition: Marital issues will not be solved when you or your spouse always wants to win an argument. Place your partner and marriage above whatever arguments that may arise. Marriage should not be about who won or lost, rather focus should be placed on fixing issues so you are both happy.

4. Keep a positive attitude: Oftentimes where couples are at loggerheads over the find it difficult to stay positive. in order to have a healthy marriage there is a need to stay positive guarding your heart against all negativity and staying hopeful. You both should make up your mind and be ready to face challenging situations that may arise in your marriage.

5. Get counseling: One of the ways to overcome challenges in marriage is to get the guidance of an expert so you can work out the cause of the problems and arrive at solutions. When you get counseling ,also ensure that you follow through with the advice that has been gotten from your counselor. If you do not follow through and be accountable your efforts are as good as wasted, so ensure that when getting the help of a counselor you’re also following through with the work involved so as to see results.

6. Prayers: in whatever challenging situation you find yourself over the place of prayer cannot be overemphasized full-stop God is the author and foundation of marriage he has promised to see your show whatever challenges we may go through. Go to him in the place of prayer and seeing the turnaround situations in your favour.

You will face challenging situations in your marriage but how you handle them determines the health of your marriage. Make up your mind to face whatever situations you may be passing through today. Do not give up. May you enjoy and not ensure your marriage in Jesus name. Amen.

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