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Handling disagreement In a relationship

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Being in a relationship is no child’s play, today you’re all lovey dovey and all over each other, the next you’re both  having heated arguments over little things. As much as you’re love, arguments are bound to come up. These things are inevitable and normal, and if care is not taken, you may lose the good thing you both have going.

Disagreements in a relationship could be debates, arguments, and struggles between two people in a relationship over matters of interest that they both shared. This disagreement can be very stressful, but they can also help make the relationship strong.

Essentially, conflicts between people make them aware of the problems in their relationships and how they can address them effectively. Once you’re able to identify the key reasons why you you and your partner argue a lot, it would be easier for you to address it in an healthy manner.

Causes of disagreement In a relationship

  • Lack of communication. Communication is very crucial in every relationship, when communication is said the wrong way or when there isn’t any communication at all, it can lead to conflicts among individuals. You have to make sure that you communicate with your partner each time you have something that you’re worried about in the relationship so that you both can be on the same page.
  • Selfishness. Once you’re in a relationship, you have to remember that it’s no more I, it’s now WE. Hence, you can’t afford to be selfish with what you do, you have to put your partner in it.
  • Control. Exercising power over your partner can lead to disagreement, trying to control them and their movement will lead to intimation and you don’t want your partner to be intimidated by you or feel scared of you each time they see you. Intimidation can drive out all traces of intimacy but being empathetic and having respect for your partner’s can encourage the intimacy needed in the relationship.
  • Criticism.  Any relationship where your partner criticizes everything you do is simply annoying and it can be equally frustrating if your partner blames you for everything.

How to handle disagreement In a relationship

  • Be direct. When you have an issue with your partner, be direct about it and say it as it should be. Sometimes people don’t just come out and plainly state what is bothering them, instead they choose more indirect ways of expressing their displeasure. If your partner talks to you in a way that you don’t like, don’t sugarcoat it or beat around the bush, be direct and face the issue squarely. Not expressing yourself the way you ought to can make you start building up feelings that can jeopardize your relationship.
  • Practice the art of listening. Communication and listening are very crucial in every relationship. If a partner needs to communicate and the other isn’t listening, it brings about wasted efforts. You have to learn how to listen to your partner’s verbal and nonverbal communication.
  • Let your partner know how you feel without blaming them. Saying words that can damage your partner’s personality is very dangerous in your relationship. At all costs, avoid negative, degrading words even when you’re angry or mad at your partner. You’re looking for a solution, not adding to the issues on ground.

Don’t play the blame card when trying to sort your issues out, be neutral as much as you can be.

  • Use humor to diffuse tension. A great way to manage a tense disagreement is to introduce an aspect of playfulness or lightheartedness. A conflict between lovers can be more swiftly resolved and the tension can be diffused when one of you uses humor.

In conclusion, we need to know that love is a beautiful thing, hence, we shouldn’t allow little disagreements that can easily be resolved take what we have from us.

How do you resolve your issues with your partner? Please share with us and let’s learn together to make our relationship strong? I’ll be in the comment section reading all about it.

Thank you guys.








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