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Overcoming Low Self-esteem

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At a certain point in our lives, we’ve all been in a low state where we feel people are doing better than us. We’ve had days where we feel we are at the lowest point of our lives, where we can’t even raise our head up or be proud of ourselves or what we are doing. Have you been in a work environment and you just feel like you don’t below there? You get tossed around because those working there could already feel the aura of dejectedness around you.

Self-esteem is how we value and perceive ourselves.  if you perceive yourself as a loser, then you start seeing yourself as one, if you feel confident of yourself, then aura of confidence is seen around you and you do things confidently.

Having healthy self-esteem can influence your motivation, your mental well-being, and your overall quality of life. It impacts your decision-making process, your relationships, your emotional health. It also influences your motivation; as you begin to see yourself in a positive way, your potential starts showing and you feel inspired to take on new challenges.

People with low self-esteem tend to feel less sure of their abilities and may doubt their decision-making process. They may not feel motivated to try new things or a new approach because they don’t believe they can reach their goals. Those with low self-esteem may have issues with relationships and expressing their needs. They may also experience low levels of confidence and feel unlovable and unworthy of things or of people.

Low self-esteem can give you mental health disorders, including anxiety disorders and depression. You may also find it difficult to pursue your goals and maintain healthy relationships. Having low self-esteem can seriously impact your quality of life and increases your risk for experiencing suicidal thoughts.

How then do we move from having a low self esteem to having a self-esteem that is healthy?

  • Identify and challenge yourself. If change your low self-esteem, you need to identify what causes it? Is it childhood trauma, domestic abuse, verbal abuse. Whatever it is that is causing it need to be identified. After identifying it, you need to challenge yourself that you can do better. Have you been told that you can’t pass your examination, and you start believing them? It’s time to show them that you can do it and ace the examination by carefully studying and asking questions where necessary.

Were you inquisitive as a child, but always get shut up by the adults? Has that caused you to look down on yourself and you stop asking questions where necessary? Now is that time to take charge and bring the inquisitive child out where it’s hidden. The essence of this is just so that you identify that area that is causing it so you can make better changes.

  • Practice positive affirmations at every slight opportunity. Everytime you feel like you can’t do a thing, or you see something as impossible, use affirmations to clear your doubt, instead of seeing impossible, see I’m possible and it’s possible.

You can also write down positive things about yourself, things like I’m good at this job, or you write down nice things that people have said about you. When you start to feel low, just look back at these things, and remind yourself that there is plenty of good about you.

  • Avoid negative relationships. Stay away from people who says negative things about anything and everything, if you see that your circle of friends doesn’t have any positive words in their mouth, try to move away from them. Having relationships that sees the good and positive in all things will help you start seeing yourself in that light. Hence, you have to make sure you have such relationship at your fingertips, if you feel down or not confident, reach out to them, discuss with them, let them rub their positivity on you.
  • Learn to say NO.  You need to start being assertive about yourself, say no when need be. Remember your we are already building our confidence, hence when someone brings to you what you do not like, stand your ground and reject it.

In conclusion, having a positive self esteem is not something that is impossible, regardless of what caused your low self-esteem, it can be reversed. Overcoming it won’t happen overnight, but gradual steps will lead to it being changed. And once you start taking the steps, you begin to see changes around you

Have you been in this state before? Kindly share your experience and how you overcame it.






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