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Long Distance Relationship: How to Make Your Distance Relationship Work

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Making a love relationship work involves two people who are willing to go the extra mile for it to stay grounded. Having a long distance relationship is no child’s play. If you aren’t strong emotionally and mentally, your relationship probably won’t last long.

The great thing about a long-distance relationship is that it can help strengthen the bond that goes beyond the physical between you and your partner. A long distance relationship is the type of relationship that involves two people who lives apart. Far distance love has its own good but it also has its own bad.

Loving a partner that you don’t see often takes a lot, you have to be able to erase any negative thoughts that might be crawling in your mind, you have to have a blind trust in your partner that nothing bad is going on.

You need to be able to love blindly and express that love at every slight opportunity. You have to constantly create communications so that your partner doesn’t feel left out in things that concerns you.

There will be days when you will be lonely,  especially on days that you require physical touch, there will be days when you miss each other; could be  during anniversaries and holidays or when you see other couples around them.

There are also days when you feel like you want your partner to take you out for special treats, not being able to do any of these may bring unhappiness sometimes. Some partners might even sulk at each other over trivial issues or when plans of visitation get cancelled.

From being lonely, if care is not taken, you both can begin to drift apart. The partners may start doubting the relationship which can lead to gradual withdrawal or total separation. When there are frequent misunderstandings, fights and lack of trust can terminate the love they feel for each other which may eventually lead to the end of it.

A lonely partner can begin to get attention from somewhere else, could be from a colleague who is constantly checking up on them at work and at home, buying them gifts or even taking them out. Once there’s a shift in feelings, lack of trust may set in, and you’ll hear partner’s saying what ifs, using that to justify the newest attention they are getting.

I’m not saying having a long distance relationship is bad, don’t get me wrong. A long distance love affair might even be the best thing to happen to you if you go about it the right way.

How then can you make your long distance relationship work?

  • There’s enough time for privacy. If your partner is not around, you can do anything you want to do at your convenience. You don’t have to pretend to be what you are not in order to impress anybody. Nobody will put a check on you, your activities, the friends you roll with. You can leave your phone open and unlocked. There will be enough time to pursue success, career and achievement. There’s no one to stalk you, or disturb your activities with visits.  You have full concentration on what you’re doing.
  • Communication. Communication is an important aspect in all relationship, long distance or not. Constant communication keep the love flowing. Share how your day went with your lover, send a surprise message to make their day or light their spirit, Make a communication schedule that will be in your long-distance routine, and stick to it, no matter what. Make notes of the important things that happened through the day, or things that made you happy or sad and share with your partner whenever you communicate. it could be a long email or chat at the end of day. But remember to communicate.
  • Don’t bottle your insecurities. Speak up whenever you have something that you’re insecure about. Don’t close your mouth, remember that a closed mouth is a closed destiny. If there’s anything that needs clarifications, express it to your partner, let them tell you what really happened so you both can move on from there.
  • Send gifts. Don’t wait till it’s their birthday or your love anniversary before you send a gift. Gift your partner something randomly, insert cute love notes in it. Simple things like this strengthens the love and relationship, let the butterflies in their tummy starts jumping up and down.

In conclusion, it takes two to tangle and not one, if what you’re doing is not reciprocated, you might need to talk to your partner to find out what is going on, don’t forget that love is a beautiful thing and whoever has that has everything. So if you find out that you’re the only one in the relationship, please take a step back and love again. All relationships are good including the long distance.

Have you been in a long distance relationship before? How did it go? Are you both still together, married or separated? Kindly feel free to share with us your experiences, lets find this love together.

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