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Even The Faithful Ones Cheat

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*Even the Faithful Ones Cheat!*


What does it mean to be faithful and what does it mean to cheat?

Do we look at the reasons or the act done?

Cheating as we all know; or shall I say in its simple meaning is an act of dishonesty to gain certain advantage.

Cheating in relationships refers to going outside the committment made to one’s partner.

Now, most times cheating is more related to have sexual activities with others while committed to a partner. But more than that, cheating goes beyond sexual activities.

When we say even the faithful Ones Cheat, we don’t necessarily mean sexually. What drives you away from the comfort of your partner to seek solace in the arms of another? Making someone’s shoulder your pillows in the place of your partner. Making memorable unforgettable memories with someone else whilst having limited Ones with your partner. That’s how you Cheat!

It’s not enough to be sexually committed to one person, you ought to also be mentally, emotionally and psychological committed as well… you shouldn’t have nor create strong deeply rooted bonds with others outside your partners because, like it or not, that’s cheating!

Sharing pleasurable moments together, having deep soul touching conversations and sharing emotions as well is considered cheating as it raises emotions and creates certain desires between the individuals involved.

This could also be (if its not already) the reason why the argument of best friend with the opposite genders come up… but that’s a story for another day…

One could be unaware of this and consider ones’self to be free from cheating because it is not sexually related, that’s exactly why; Even the faithful Ones Cheat!


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P.s please don’t cheat me on this one 🤣

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