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Balancing Marriage and Parenting

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A child comes into the world completely dependent. He/she needs his/her parents in order to do just about anything. As the child grows, he/she learns to get things done and finally reaches a stage that he or she is now independent and does not need the presence of supervision of his/her parents. He or she is now of age and can be able to make independent decisions.

Before your child gets to the level of independence and not needing his/her parents to get things done, a lot of work would have been done. Parenting is actually a full-time job.

Balancing marriage and parenting requires willingness to work on your marriage. To stay as lovers while raising your children could be an herculean task. However with the right approach, trust in each other and truthfulness you can easily manage marriage and parenting without having to worry that your marriage will break apart.

Here are some of the tips to maintain balance between marriage and parenting;

1. Connect with each family member: Make sure you spend quality time with your spouse and children on a daily basis. This time will help each person in forging lasting relationships that will keep things balanced in your home. If you do this, it will leave a strong and lasting impression on your spouse and especially your children. It will teach your children to learn the act of balancing things in their lives and this will in turn bring you closer to them. They will be able to share their worries, challenges and anxieties with you.

2. Be a team: You and your spouse could have some differences in your parenting style but you both have the same end goal in mind, to raise well-rounded and happy children in a loving home.

When you understand how to make your spouse happy, improve your relationship with your spouse,share responsibilities as you raise your children, it makes your spouse have a sense of belonging and not feel like they are the one doing the bulk of the work.

3. Prioritize yourself and each other: One of the essential things you should learn both as a spouse and a parent is self-care. It’s quite easy to neglect yourself when you’ve got kids who depend on you and a spouse who demands the little time you have left. If you want to balance your marriage and parenting, you need to learn to prioritise yourself once in a while. Take out time to take a walk, make your hair,go to the spa as your finances allow, go shopping with your spouse, go on date night while someone assist in babysitting your children. This enables you to be wholesome parents as only wholesome parents can raise wholesome children.

4. Let your kids know that you value your role as a partner and a parent: When you make your kids understand that you value your role as a partner and a parent you serve as a role model for healthy family relationships. You don’t have to choose between being a good parent and a good partner, you should work together with your partner to find the right balance which will eventually pay off in the long run.

5. Schedule alone time with your partner: In balancing your role as a parent and a spouse, you should schedule regular time alone with your spouse. This enables you to turn towards each other more often and avoid distractions. This in turn strengthens the bond you share as a couple and enables you to be better parents to your children.

You don’t have to choose between being a good spouse or a great parent. You can be both when you take the right steps towards maintaining a balance between the two. With this tips shared and the actions you will take, you’re on your way to being the parent of the year and a great spouse. Thank you for your time and see you in the next article.

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