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Benefits of praying together with your spouse.

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As married couples, it is important to always pray together. If you haven’t started praying together, it may feel awkward at first but when you start out ,continue and eventually make it and habit, you will find it comforting, encouraging and something you both will always look forward to.

Couples everywhere needs to be intentional about praying together.

The following are the benefits  praying together as a couple offers.

1. Humility: When you pray together as a couple, it brings humility as you share with God and your spouse your worries, anxieties the things that tempt you, the challenges you are facing or what you need figured out.  You are not only talking and listening to God when you pray but you also recognise that he controls and knows all things.

2. Prayer helps you to focus on each other: As you spend time  praying together as a couple, sharing your challenges and worries,it helps you to be on the lookout for each other, constantly checking up on each other’s welfare and helps you understand each other better.

3. Praying together increases trust and intimacy: When you pray together, it helps you to trust your spouse some more knowing fully well that they will always be there for you come rain come shine. This in turn strengthens the bond of intimacy in your relationship.

4. Praying together helps you understand each other struggles: When you pray together as a couple, it encourages you to be honest and open up on whatever struggles each of you might be going through. It also helps you to know how to better pray for each other even when you’re not together. It will eventually help you get insight and wisdom in resolving and overcoming the struggles.

5. Pray together constantly remind you of God’s sovereignty: When you make praying together as a couple an habit, you have moments when you reflect on how far God has helped you both in marriage, the challenges you have overcomed,the storms you have weathered, the victories you have won, the financial provisions you have enjoyed and the list is endless. It makes you put God at the centre of your marriage and acknowledge him as sovereign.

I hope you spend some quality time with your partner today communing with God in the place of prayer.

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