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Break out of that box

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Read Mark 10:46-52

Limitation is a restriction or a boundary caused by something or some circumstances.  It is an imperfection or shortcoming which limits something’s use or value.

Limitations can be caused by ones self or by circumstances around

Have you been wandering around limiting yourself or allowing the things happening around you to limit you?  I’m here to let you know that you are bigger than what u think, you are better than what the world makes you feel like you are, you can do and achieve that goal you have set for yourself.

Don’t be that one who is always in a lone corner admiring others who have achievements and boxing yourself up. You admire every other person except you.

Few things that can cause limitations *When you allow voices of discouragement Mk 10:48 , u can be limited, Bartimeaus didn’t allow the words and the irritating voices of the crowd to weigh Him down, rather he was focused on his goal.

*Sitting same spot for a long time (comfort zone)…. Can make you see and know less of yourself. Until u make effort to push through the crowd vv47,48 you will not see the advantages out there. God told the children of Israel to move forward Deut 2:1-3, they were so relaxed that they forgot they had a goal ahead of them. Come out of your comfort zone today and grab those mind blowing opportunities ahead of you.

*Don’t allow the world give you a name God has not given you. You are beautifully and wonderfully made Psalms 139:14 the man was called Blind by the people but He choose what he wanted to be called. Have you being called a failure, loser, never do well etc throw that in the dungeon today and begin to see yourself as God sees you. Call yourself blessed, victorious, intelligent, royalty, peculiar and the likes, tell yourself “I can make it”, I can do it” ,because the word of God tells me so Philippians 4:13.

*Depending solely on others also can limit one. When you always rely on others to do for you what you can do for yourself, you tend not to see the possibilities of your ability to do same, v46 of our text stated out clearly that the blind man sat by the highway side begging in other words depending on others to survive, and that singular act kept him limited for period of time.

*Dwelling on your past can limit you: your past might not be a pleasant one, it might be rough and ugly, that’s the main reason you should cast it behind you and move forward. The blind man casted his garment v50, he knew the implications of carrying your past along in the journey of life, so he had to let go before he could encounter a new beginning.

*The power of your thought:  are you that one who always see yourself as not being able, you think you are not good enough, you always think you are not equal to the task?  Change your thoughts today because you are the product of your thoughts, your life will always go in line with your thoughts, the Bible sums it up “as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he” Pro 23:7. Channel your thoughts to God’s word, think what He says concerning you avoid idle thoughts, Philippians 4:8 tells us to think on things that are true,honest, just, pure, lovely, have good report, have virtue and have praise.

There are so many causes of limitations, but whichever way you have allowed “YOU” to be limited you can come out of it today. Like the prodigal son, come to self realization, Luke 15:17 and do the needful, cast off your old garment, push through the crowd (storms and hauls of life), turn your back against those things that make you look small, be it friends, remember those you surround yourself with have a great impact in your life Pro 13:20, family, strongholds etc

The best way to break out of limitations is total surrender to the Lordship of Jesus and I tell you, your life will never remain the same, the blind man in our text had just one encounter and his story was changed right on the spot. You can choose to have such an encounter today.

Do not limit yourself, come out of that box, and begin to challenge your fears and I tell you, * you can do it.


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Patience Apekhena

Result oriented, resilient digital marketer,well versed with content creation, social media management,SEO, advert and marketing. Adaptable and flexible to learn, unlearn and relearn.

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