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Fostering Love and Respect in Marriage

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Love and respect are the cornerstones of a functional, strong and healthy marriage. It enables a marriage to the fit and stand the test of time. If any is missing or lacking, the marriage will be deformed and unable to function maximally.

Men and women value love and respect in marriage but they from view love from different perspectives. Women need love to survive so do men but how men view love and how they want to receive it is quite different from a woman’s point of view. Women value love in an emotional way while men value love in form of respect.

Since men and women see and view love and respect in different perspectives, we’ll talk about how a woman deserves to be loved and how man desires to be respected.


You will be telling your wife how much you love her when you:

1. Show her affection: A significant number of men thinks that showing their wives affection simply means having sex regularly but it’s way beyond that. A woman wants to be hugged, kissed, cuddled and touched lovingly at regular intervals. She needs to know that you love her in this way without it having to lead to sexual intercourse all the time. It makes her feel valued and not that her body is being used to satisfy your sexual desires at all times.

2.  Give her attention: Women naturally are attention-seekers, they crave and desire a lot of attention. If you want to give your wife attention you can compliment her dressing when she’s about going to work, place a call through to her to check how her day is going, ask her how her day went, show interest in what she did during the day, seek out opinion on what she thinks of particular issues etc. This way, a woman feels a sense of belonging and feels loved.

3. Pay attention to her when she’s talking: Women are naturally talkers and a woman will feel loved when she can pour out her mind and express her feelings when she is going through certain issues. All she need at the time she’s talking is attention and not necessarily your input. Pay attention without being distracted.

4. Plan alone time, just the two of you: women usually crave some alone time with their man where they get to spend quality time together after they’ve been away from each other for a while.

During a regular day she is working, finishing projects, coordinating with cow of friends, cleaning, organising and taking care of dinner. She spends most of her day doing things for others and after a while she gets depleted and feels completely disconnected from you. Planning a regular timeout together,just the two of you, helps her to relax and recharge with you by her side.

5. Lend a helping hand with daily chores: A woman feels loved when you lend a helping hand with daily chores. When you notice what your wife needs and then do it it shows she’s in your thoughts.


1. Ask him for his opinion:  A man feels loved, valued and respected when you make him know his thoughts are valuable to you. Don’t take decisions about their children and the home without carrying him along and asking for his opinion. Seeking his opinion makes him feel like an integral part of your life.

2. Express your appreciation towards him: Men wear different caps  of responsibilities at different times from being bosses at work to being a father and a husband at home etc. One thing that shows a man you respect him is to tell him all the things that you appreciated about him. Tell him you know how hard he works, telling him his skills inspire you and you love how good he keeps the house looking. By doing this you will be telling your man how much you respect him.

3. Talk to your man lovingly: If you want to build respect in your marriage, the content of your words and how they are said very important. A man can spot and sense insincerity or an unloving tone from a mile away. Do not criticize your husband, rather build him up with your words to show him respect.

4. Believe in him: Men need encouragement and not criticism. Sometimes they feel vulnerable and unsure of their next move. If you show him support and believes in him, that’s all he needs inn getting things done and accomplished.

If love and respect is devoid in a marriage, it will crumble in no time no matter how good it looks to outsiders.

Make every effort to foster love and respect in your marriage for a long, lasting and bliss-filled relationship.

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