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How To Heal From Hatred: Steps To Take To Turning It Around

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Have you even been in a relationship then suddenly starts feeling resentment towards your partner, friends, your relative? Do you see these people and you start feeling like causing them harm? Do you feel disgusted at the sight of them? Does it make you feel like puking? Please know that this emotions you’re feeling is just temporary that can be changed and turn around.

Resentment is a bitter feeling and anger that someone feels about something. It could be from having a partner that isn’t bothered if their environment is dirty, a relative choosing and loving a cousin over another,  and once these feelings start building up, hatred steps in.

Hatred is an extremely strong feeling of dislike for someone or something, it is often associated with intense feelings of anger, contempt, and disgust.  It brings about hostility in an individual, the need for revenge, the need to be cruel, it also brings about actions that are violent. People with this type type of feeling once feel loved, however, certain situations may have caused them to feel hate. situations like envy, especially when they feel like the other person is somewhat doing better than they are can cause hatred. Other situations like humiliation, mistreatment can also cause it.

Asides the fact that we feel hatred towards people, we can also feel hatred towards ourselves. This is called self-hate. Self-hate could arises as a result of a past mistakes that we’ve done and we are refusing to let go of such, thereby making us hate ourselves, it could also happened because we’ve  hurt a loved one or lost a close relationship, and as a result, we may feel painful regret. Now that we’ve been able to establish that we somewhat feel hatred, how then do we move past this?

  • The first step to getting past hatred is to identify the source. Why do you feel the way do? Retrace your steps in finding out what led to it. Take some time to think about what has caused you to feel hatred. It is important to recognize any underlying anger that is driving these feelings. Once you have identified it, try to find a healthy way to express your anger. This can include physical exercise, writing, drawing, or talking to a friend.
  • Pay attention to yourself, notice the presence of the feeling once it starts emerging. notice the spiteful words you speak or the thoughts in my mind, learn to down it by saying positive words instead either verbally or in your mind.
  • Always speak up the moment someone does something that you do not like. Don’t hold grudges, don’t keep it to yourself, this can lead you to hating the individual especially when such has been held for a longer period.
  • Take a break. Try relaxing and clearing your thoughts when you notice yourself getting angry or dwelling on the things they’ve done. Take deep breathes, walk around, move away from the scene. Taking a break to clear your mind can help you keep your cool and break a negative thought pattern especially when your mind brewing.
  • Practice Forgiveness. Learning to forgive is one of the most important steps in healing from hatred. Forgiveness does not mean condoning someone’s behavior, but rather it is about releasing yourself from the pain and resentment that hatred can cause or has caused you. Try to be gentle with yourself, and be open to the possibility that you can forgive because it is possible.
  • Practice Self-Compassion: It is important to practice self-compassion when healing from hatred. Remind yourself that you are not alone in these feelings and that it is okay to make mistakes. Take some time to recognize and appreciate the positive aspects of yourself.

In conclusion, feeling hate doesn’t have to be a forever thing, we just need to learn how to forgive and we’ll be surprised how much burden has left our shoulder by doing so. Hate isn’t something that should stay in our mind, as it will limit our productivity.

How did you get past hurt? What steps did you take in when you wanted to move on? Please feel free to share with us, let’s learn and grow together. I’ll be in the comment section reading our wonderful stories.



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