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When the Lord Jesus said store up treasures… what did he really mean?

Are we to begin clamoring in order to build wealth for ourselves? Are we to enlarge our barns with grains?Are we to invest in real estates? Should we buy trillions of bitcoin? Are we to be greatly involved in forex trading and the stock markets?

What exactly did he mean when he said store up treasures?

Let’s go back to the root of the matter shall we?What are treasures?

Treasures are precious or valuable quantities or objects.

Treasures are peculiar to individuals and as such, carry different worths.

In days of old, we had of treasure hunts. People taking long trips to deserted and forbidden places to dig up treasures. These treasure hunts were usually dangerous! Those who stored these treasures go to even greater lengths to keep them out of the eyes of the world setting traps for whoever would try to steal their treasures. In the end, after all they did to safeguard their treasures… they end up stolen by skilled thieves and treasure hunters.

Jesus speaking in Matthew chapter 6 vs 19 & 20 said; [19]Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. [20] Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal.” NLT

From the above scripture, we can deduce that Jesus didn’t mean material or physical treasures. I mean, nothing physical or material is safe from moths or rusts or even thieves!

What then are these treasures?

They are things of worth in God! These treasures are but the Kingdom of God with is not of wine or food but of Righteousness, peace and Joy in Holy Ghost! (Romans chapter 14 vs 17)

Our treasure is but the very Kingdom of our Lord!

So dear brothers and sisters, let us store up righteousness, peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost!

That’s the real treasure and yes! Not even the devil can steal this from you. Because they are stored in the very throne of God!

Your treasure is the very delight of your maker and LORD!

Brethren… store up God’s pleasures and worry not for they are safe!

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God bless you!

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