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Ways to build Intimacy in Marriage.

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As the years roll by in marriage when there are several bills to pay, young children to cater for, unresolved conflicts, third-party interference etc, there’s every tendency  your marriage is merely surviving and not growing. With increased responsibilities the distance between you and your partner keeps widening and the desire to keep the glow of love your first shared together alive in your marriage may no longer be there.

The intimacy first shared may have developed wings and disappeared into thin air. It is important as couples whether young or old to make up your mind that you will do the required work to make your marriage grow. If you do not want to grow out of love as a couple, there a number of ways to build intimacy in marriage.

1. Encourage each other: If you want to build intimacy in your marriage you must be your spouse’s number one cheerleader, cheering them on and celebrating every of their wins no matter how little. Motivate them during difficult times and always express your respect and support for them. Compliment them both in private and public and inspire them to become better persons.

2. Communicate openly: To build intimacy in marriage, your communication has to be effective. Couples should make it a habit of discussing their thoughts desires and feelings with each other. Couples should also be willing to listen actively and attentively to their partners perspective.

3. Make time for each other: In today’s fast-paced world, it is easy to get caught up in the demands of work and family life. You should make out time to spend together with your spouse from time to time.

4. Be affectionate: Simple acts like hugging and holding each other can go a long way in strengthening the emotional and physical connection between partners. Regular display of affection shows that you care for and appreciate your partner.

5. Show gratitude and appreciation: an excellent way to build intimacy in marriage is expressing gratitude and appreciation towards your partner. It is very important to acknowledge and recognise your partner support and contribute towards the marriage. if you regularly Express gratitude and appreciation to what your spouse is to create a positive atmosphere that I’d love to thrive and strength is emotional Bond between partners.

Its difficult to come inbetween intimate couples. Don’t leave your relationship and partner unattended to. Nurture your relationship and see it bloom.

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